We were pretty pumped to play a prank on the crew this year. Unfortunately we were traveling on April 1st and did not see the results of our hard work and planning.
Jacks brainchild... the mastermind behind the prank, came to him while eating snack. The last 4/5 portions of yogurt. His eyes got big with wild wonderful genius and he delegated jobs immediately.

one to wash, one to fill, notes written by each, one to glue... the plan is set into motion.
insert evil laugh. Only one of the yogurts we left in the fridge for the guys lunches is really yogurt. heehee.

Gotcha Shane! (aka Bubbles -Phin calls him "bubbles", I think he means "buddy") The story goes -Shane sat down to lunch with his two yogurts and a banana for dipping and opened his yogurt and dropped his head... duped. Lucky Geoff got the real yogurt. Serves Shane right. We hear lots of stories of how Shane throws Geoff's lunch up on the roof of the trailer and other such pranks. Our prank went to the right guy for so many reasons! (plus he is a good sport and appreciates our kids)