Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Things we will miss about Kenora. #1

Above all else, we will miss the friends we have made.

Our second day here, back in January, I hunted down the local homeschooling group and went to a meeting, sitting next to me was Jill. When she described her relaxed method of schooling and her children's ages and interests, and that her husband is a builder, I knew we had some things in common and suggested we get our families together to play sometime. 

Fast forward a few weeks...  I was engrossed (and slightly overwhelmed) in my busy new life cooking for the crew, shopping huge shops several times a week (I will not miss that) and taking kids to lessons, I ran into Jill in the parking lot at the library and was reminded of my initial attraction to her as a possible friend. We promised to really really get together and finally did. 

Our first few visits were full of winter fun, tobogganing and hiking and sharing meals together. Even Lenny gets some good friends to romp with. Mike and Mark have loads to chat about and Jill and I share a love for homemade and traditional crafts. She makes the most amazing rag hook rugs. They are gorgeous! 
The kids are a natural fit.


Now it is down to our last few weeks here and we are trying to cram in as much face time as we can. 
They have so much lovely space and the view is amazing, not to mention the bird feeder out the living room window... hours of entertainment. Here E is making felt veggies, while his mom Jill works on a baby mobile, she and I are making together. (the ear muffs were necessary as the other kids were playing with plastic power tools next to us in the living room)
Phin had a nap on Jill's lovely quilt. It is the reason I took the picture of Phin sleeping.

I am near tears thinking of leaving this beautiful family behind when we go home... any chance you guys will move to Manitoba? Our time here has been very blessed by knowing you. You will be missed most of all.