This is a photo taken this summer on our way home from Point Roberts WA. with my snuggly youngest...Ephraim.
Today I am 36.
So far the day is disappointing. My Big plan was to take in a few boxing day sales at local scrapbooking stores, but the reality of our finances has hit hard this morning and now I am Bummed.
So change it up, pick up your chin... I am going to sit and set up my serger in my craft room and I determined to learn how to thread it... My craft room is far from ready for any kind of extended visiting so it maybe a long day...
wish me luck and a happy birthday...
and if we ever get the right kind of battery for my camera I will update you to the transformation of my room soon...
(another disappointment... I have no photographic record of Solomon turning 4, of my sisters wedding or of Christmas 2007-Bah)
bah! what kind of family's personal photographer am i? ;-)
happy birthday, tamilious!!!
oh Tami, I'm sorry you were having a rough time. I hope things are looking up for you by now?
Happy Belated Birthday Tami!!! i can identify with fighting disapointment on bdays sometimes...and when emotions are low, good old 'rescue remedy' works for me (bach flower remedy)..ok it tastes like brandy, and it may be psychological, but oh well... How was your sister's wedding?
i do hope the birthday turned around, and you are having a wonderful new year!
best wishes :)
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