Today I took Ephraim to a specialist about his weird birthmark under his fingernail. Our family doctor sent us for a second opinion because it is an apparently rare thing to see in a fair skinned person. Truthfully I was expecting it to be nothing, just one of those unique cool things about Ephraim... but we are now scheduled to have his nail removed at the children's hospital and the mole under his nail scraped away... I am a little freaked out. I know it sounds like a little thing and a quick simple procedure but I really wasn't expecting it to be anything to be concerned about, and I don't like the idea of taking him for surgery of any kind much less one he will be watching... She mentioned laughing gas (which makes me puke so I am not sure it will help him)
And I will miss his funny little stripe...
Make sure you let us know when that will be...
Oh man, this makes me queasy in my stomach and I think I would need the laughing gas. Keep me posted.
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