Thursday, November 6, 2008

the trailer.

The details as I know them... the trailer has been found, It has been cleaned out and some damage to the trailer but not enough to be written off. So we have reclaimed it -not what we hoped for since we had made alternate arrangements believing it would not be recovered.....
the only things still inside, of any value, are the Knack box with some nails and screws in it and the safety harnesses (which Mike is happy to have back!) other than that the nearly $20,000 of tools has been dispersed to who knows where. Hopefully the location of the trailer will help police in that search....
or maybe they don't bother with that stuff....
Anyway it is some closure to that whole saga, I guess.

edited to add:
"And an interesting story about the trailer. So we were told that damage on the trailer wasn't enough to write it of. So we picked it up today. When we got home, the message from the adjuster was that the damage was 5500 in repairs. And now they wanted to write it off. They offered us 8000. we paid 7200 new. So we settled with 4500 and kept the trailer. The damage is not bad. a new crank and a new latch for the back door.
So, that should turn out ok." an excerpt from Mikes blog


Tanis said...

Sigh. Sorry :(

duckyhouse said...

closure is good, no tools is bad. I'm sorry you guys are having to deal with this. *hug* *hug*