Monday, January 12, 2009

this week is learn to tie your own shoes week...

Jack has to ask his teacher at his dance class to tie his shoes for him... He expressed some embarrassment at this, so this week we are working hard to perfect his technique so he can tie solo...

I bought some licorice shoe strings and laced one through an egg carton (stand in for a shoe) sorry no pictures as the camera is battery-less again!

after a few tries with that we got out the sneakers and Jack succeeded in tying them on (not a super-secure tie- but by himself none the less) then he was able to treat himself and his brothers with the candy shoelace. I think we will do this activity every day this week and hopefully at friday's dance class Jack will have it tight and secure!

here is a link to a great shoelace tying website!


Aleksa said...


tiffany said...

hooray! a good landmark for a seven year old. happy happy birthday!!!