With one quick reference call to the magical mother-in-law to confirm size of bun dough balls, and placement on baking sheet I set my buns to rise in the laundry room, the warmest room in the house. (and who doesn't want their clothes to smell like fresh bread!)
And Presto MAGIC! at snack time mid-morning we had warm fresh buns with honey butter (local)
What a dreamy smell and atmosphere baking day has!
I have a need to share on baking days... and so a half dozen to Fran, next door, a dozen and half to Tom and Michelle who are home with new baby number 3, a handful of tasters at Gym and swim, leaving only a few for Mike (much to his dismay)
But I have a strong suspicion our flour budget just went up!
I *must* have this recipe, cuz indeed, she makes the best buns!!!!!!!!!!! And they are fluffy & magical!
mmm. looks delicious. as for next week i think any day except wednesday works for me.
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