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celebrating childhood adventures, freedom to discover and learn...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
these are the "do not knock down" snowmen that will hopefully last till Daddy gets home.
they each made a destructible version
Hard work!
but happy to have been created!
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who is 3trikes?
Tami Jo
38, homeschooling baby-wearing mother of 4 boys, wife to supportive loving husband, sister to many wonderful friends, volunteer peer support mentor, artist dabbling in sewing, paper, clay, paint and play dough... and the occasional cookie sheet.
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Things we need to do... and you can too:
make deodorant
doodle doll
fabric envelope
fortune cookies
make a super cute apron/dress
bean balloon balls
koolaid dye silk scarves
living willow play area
chocolate pretzel buttons
Birthday Gift Ideas/ Christmas wish list
game to encourage hyper activity -All
cranium "bloom" games for P & E.
a violin (1/2 size) -J
icecream maker -S
books about raising sheep, goats, pigs and chickens -T
grain mill
scythe set
bendaroos -All
hand wool carders -T
video series that the boys would love
bloggers I know and love
Tiffany's wooly beauties. (Cheryl click here)
Kyle sees
Tif moves
the duecks
Tara bakes
Tanis plays
Devon sings
Phil teaches
julie rambles
Tamara knits
Corinna sews
mike the bike
cristina stalks
PJ homebirths
Brad preaches
Aleksa explores
Bethanie shoots
Christie coaches
the cabin boys farm
me again... school, if you want to call it that.
crafty ones, schooling ones, funny ones, inspiring ones...
angry chicken
artful parent
at home science
baby wearer
bakers dozen
bakers dozen kids
balancing everything
bird and little bird
blue yonder
cheeky beaks
clever girl
cooks creek blogger
design mom
elizabeth barton
everything your mama made
exhale. return to center.
farm girl
farmin mama
green angela
how about orange
imagine childhood
janice vancleave's science
liquid paper
lisa flowers ross
lisacall quilts
magnifying glass
make something
mama roots
moda bake shop
moon stitches
progressive pioneer
sarah green
sew liberated
shim and sons
shining egg
simple mom
sometimes crafter
super mom
the may fly
time with tascha
tiny happy
tips to homesteading
true up
uncommon grace
vintage chica
vintage lovelies
wee wonderfuls
while they sleep
wool pets
other neato sites i like
laura gunn
the sheep book
imagine childhood
aromatherapy recipes
resource for DIY soap and lotions
container and packaging
baby carriers down-under
my kids like worksheets :(
the workroom (why doesn't winnipeg have this!?)
stampin' up colour combo
scrapitude colour combo
baby wrap instructions
soaker pattern links
cranberry lane
organic DIY lotion
sourdough starter
the small object
the toy maker
purl bee
Wear your big kids too!!!
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