Mike's pet peeve is the sock bin in our laundry room. It is a full size laundry basket that is FULL to the top of socks without pairs. Every few weeks we spend a morning sorting them and the frustration builds as there is evidently more and more without a partner. Mike wants to toss them, but I have this feeling they are under a bed or stuffed behind something, I can't bring myself to throw away a lonely sock. ("Not just A lonely sock -a hundred lonely socks." says Mike)
This morning's search to bring home the wayward socks, inspired the search for a memorable song from the 90's, Steve Taylor was a favorite for both Mike and I, but it pains me to watch this video... we were SO stylish back then! Do you remember the slouch socks?

Maybe if we put our baskets together, we could make some match.
Oh Tami, I feel your pain. We have a huge basket of socks as well and although I have also been tempted to just get rid of them all, I can't bring myself to. I notice the orange socks, we have a couple of those in our basket as well. We should put our basket together.
did you open your valentine sister swap present yet?
I Love those orange socks it steams me up that they are lost!
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